Advanced rainwater harvesting technology Design registered in India

In a recent news, the Indian government has registered a design (431236-001) for an advanced rainwater harvesting system designed to address water scarcity and promote groundwater revival. This innovative model ensures effective rainwater harvesting and wastewater management, offering a sustainable solution for drought-prone regions.

The research behind this system was conducted by Dr. Ashok Divekar, Head of the Geography Department at Subhash Baburao Kul College, and Dr. Rajesh Survase, Professor of Geography at Eknath Sitaram Divekar College, Varvand. Their expertise in geography and hydrogeology was instrumental in developing the model. The Design is held under the names of Adv. Rahul Subhash Kool, Dr. Rajesh Bhaskar Survase, and Dr. Ashok Bhagwan Divekar.

This model is already implemented for piolet run at subhash Baburao Kul college, Daund Taluka. This system has already contributed in recharging the ground water in nearby area which encourage to expand it at various locations.

This development represents a significant advancement in water conservation efforts, providing a practical and effective method for rainwater harvesting that can be implemented in various regions to combat water scarcity.