New Solar Technology Patent from Gujrat called Dual-Axis live Tracking

Deeptanshu A Gadhavi, a student from the Parul Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology, has created a dual-axis solar tracking device, which is designed to improve the efficiency of solar panels. Though he is studying hotel management, his passion and talent for innovation have led him to develop a groundbreaking invention in the field of solar energy technology.

Typically, the solar panels remain stationary through out the day, meaning they only capture sunlight that directly hits them during certain times of the day. This device allows solar panels to track the movement of the sun throughout the day and enables solar panels to move along two axes, mimicking the movement of the sun. This results that the panels can capture sunlight more effectively, no matter about the position of the sun in the sky.

Key Features of the Invention:

Dual-Axis Tracking:
The system can rotate 360 degrees, which is different from the conventional single-axis tracking used in many existing solar system. This allows the solar panels to capture sunlight from all angles, which maximizing energy absorption.

Automatic Weather Protection:
The invention also includes a weather protection system that automatically adjusts the panels when bad weather is detected, such as heavy winds or storms. The device will protect the panels from potential damage during extreme weather conditions, which is a common problem in existing solar panel setups.

Efficiency Boost:
This solar tracking device has the potential to increase the energy output of solar panels by 20% to 30% compared to conventional fixed-panel solar systems. This efficiency gain would significantly improve solar energy production and its practicality for large-scale use.
This invention has successfully secured a patent in India and has also received a design certificate(6225872) from the UK Intellectual Property Office.

This innovation is a great step forward in field of renewable energy technology, contributing to sustainable solutions for green energy and solar power production system.